Divide & Rule! still there?

To rule India -- with her huge size and population -- the British hit upon a simple yet brilliant idea: divide and rule, with the State playing the crucial role of an arbitrator between various warring groups.

The government of Independent India is largely a remnant of the British Raj with one crucial addition: the ruling elite, comprising Marxists and pseudo-Marxists, largely understands the collective psyche of Indians far better than our colonial oppressors. After all, poverty of ideas invariably leads to politics of poverty.

Accordingly, subsequent governments in India have first ensured shortages, and then played by rationing the insufficient. Quotas fall in this genre.

Now, I feel some organised people with the strong financial & other support from the rich nation is interferring in all matters of the people. They make news, they make people think what they wants they have to think: for that they are controlling the media. For implementing their policies, they bargain with the political parties to pick their candidates & now they rules us.

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